
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I do.

Instacart Basket Analysis

Goal: Instacart, an online grocery store that operates through an app. Here the goal was to perform an initial data and exploratory analysis of some of their data in order to derive insights and suggest strategies for better segmentation based on the provided criteria.

Influenza Season Staffing Requirement

Goal: The United States has an influenza season where more people than usual suffer from the flu. Hospitals and clinics need additional staff to adequately treat these extra patients. Here the objective was to determine when to send staff, and how many, to each state. And to help a medical staffing agency that provides temporary workers to clinics and hospitals on an as-needed basis.

Rockbuster Stealth, Rental Company

Goal: Rockbuster Stealth LLC is a movie rental company that used to have stores around the world. Here the objective was to provide insights on the current business standings to support the company’s 2020 marketing campaign for a new product launch.

GameCo., Video Game Company

Goal: A new video game company, GameCo, which wants to use data to inform the development of new games. Here the objective was to perform a descriptive analysis of a video game data set to foster a better understanding of how GameCo’s new games might fare in the market.

New York Airbnb, 2019

Goal: Airbnb is a popular online platform that allows travelers to book unique accommodations directly from local hosts. Here the objective was to perform an initial data and exploratory analysis of some of their data in order to derive insights.

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